Management Advisory Services
GCG Department partners with client management to identify solutions in planning, installing and maintaining management information and control systems which are required to effectively plan and control operations.
These services may be directly related to accounting, such as the design of accounting systems manuals, or the design, installation and implementation of highly sophisticated computer services; the review and evaluation of overall accounting procedures and internal controls; review or assistance in the preparation of budgets and forecasts. Services may also pertain to areas not directly related to accounting, such as assisting management in matters related to business policies, financing (business plans), evaluation of purchasing functions, personnel studies, production control studies, feasibility studies, statistical presentations, business valuations, and other administrative and managerial endeavors; also we serve as expert witness.
Through its experience, discipline, thoroughness, and focus, GCG’s can help organizations to achieve optimal performance through strategic planning and management, process innovation, and change management services.
Internal and fraud audit services
GCG’s assists in the control and detection of fraud in company operations. The Firm has Certified Public Accountants (CPA’s), Certified Fraud Examiners (CFE’s) and a Certified Internal Auditors (CIA’s) with ample experience in these areas. We assess the effectiveness of an organization’s internal controls and review the effectiveness and efficiency of operations and organizational structures. The Firm also performs auditing for fraud detection. To achieve these objectives, the Firm performs independent reviews and evaluations of management operations and activities to assess areas including:
- Controls in place to safeguard assets.
- The accuracy, completeness and timeliness of financial and operating information.
- Compliance with policies, laws and regulations.
- Economy and efficiency in the use of resources.
- Effectiveness in accomplishing the organization’s mission, goals and objectives.
Economic analysis sevices
GCG’s provide economic related services as follows”
- Economic Impact Studies – includes economic and social impact analysis, economic and demographic projections, economic analysis of benefits, valuation and contribution of resources, activities and industries, assistance in economic development and evaluation of the local and regional structures and economic conditions.
- Analysis of Policies and Program Development – assist to define problems, compilation and analysis of data in order to make decision, investigation of different alternatives, make recommendations and prepare an implementation plan.
- Market investigations
- Presentations Related to Economy Situation
- Economic Projections and Analysis
- Other Services – include cost and production analysis, goods and services demand analysis, organizational structure and market analysis, evaluation of the technological capabilities of the human resources and project management.